
Monday, September 17, 2018

What's the Hurry?

As I have gotten older, and observed the changes life shows all around, I value "slow" time more. In the past, I have let so much rush past me without my having absorbed and processed the lessons and experiences offered.
Along with scaling back my pace, I am scaling back on household goods. I have rented a storage room, and packed my garage full of items to sell, donate or store. The stored items I am not ready to part with, as hopes for time sewing is still a part of me.

Joey and I are seeing what we can get into as we take time to observe and reflect.


Elaine/Muddling Through said...

I was so glad to see your comment this morning! So long since I've seen anything of you. You look wonderful! And TWO grandchildren!!! Yay!

Karmen said...

Thank you for missing me Elaine! I am getting ready for that retirement "change-of-life." There are so many things I want to do (and get back to)!