not just because asthma is taking over my home life, but because the dogs got a piece of her furry behind this morning. It isn't fair. My husband and I both ADORE her. You could ask for no better, loving, cuddly sweetheart, but I CAN'T BREATHE AT HOME. We can only let her go to the BEST HOME. She will come with a re-location (re-love-ation) bonus to take care of those initial cat litter, food, etc, expenses. We will be happy to take care of those, and also, she is spayed and her eye is fixed. See her story on "Karmen's Page." Of course, if it didn't work out, we would happily take her back. Only, remember, changing homes is not a cat's favorite activity, and she has been through enough stress in her young life already (estimated to be nearly 1 year old). Call me if you are serious about loving a beautiful kitty 678-699-1916. If you are a true cat person (and not allergic like me), you will be rewarded with tons of kitty-love. (NO declawing allowed!!!!!)
That is a shame, she is such a darling. Wish I could take her.
I wonder sometimes if the fact that I am always coughing is because of the kitties;)
I know how much you love the kitty but you have sure done a lot for her. When you have trouble breathing, nothing else matters. I hope it doesn't take long to get all the dander out of the house. So sorry. Love Mom
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